Saturday, May 11, 2013

Photoshop Tutorial - Introduction Of Photoshop Palette

In the previous a few posts I had introduced you to the different types of Photoshop Tools. As the part of the serial tutorial on Photoshop Today I am gonna introduce you to the photoshop palette. Normally Palettes of the Photoshop Software located at the Right side of the Photoshop window. There are about 14 palette available in Photoshop. These will be look like the below image.

Palettes of  Photoshop

Palettes are very important part of Photoshop. Because without Palette you can not edit or use Photoshop efficiently. By default all the palettes are shown on Photoshop window but sometimes you may need to show them by yourself. And you can do it from Window menu. Let's learn more about these Photoshop Palettes.

  • Navigator Palette
  • Info Palette
  • Color Palette
  • Swatch Palette  
  • Style palette
  • History Palette
  • Action Palette
  • Tool Present palette
  • Layers Palette
  • Channel palette
  • Path Palette
  • Brushes Palette 
  • Character Palette
  • Paragraph Palette.

  • Navigator Palette: Using the Navigator Palette we can see the active image by making it large and small.
  • Info Palette: Selecting this Palette if you point any part of an image with mouse pointer it will show the color info the image.
  • Color Palette: You can work with the color by selecting the Palette.
  • Swatch Palette: You can also work with the color by selecting the Palette.
  • Style Palette: You can apply different style by selecting the Palette.
  • History Palette: This Palette shows the list of the current work of image.
  • Action Palette: In this Palette You can work on the Action or Command series.
  • Tool Present Palette: We can work on Tool setting by selecting this Palette.
  • Layer Palette: This Palette shows the list of the active images layer.
  • Channels Palette: This Palette shows the selected image color channel as per image color mode.
  • Paths Palette: By using different command button and menu of the Path Palette You can do different Path related work.
  • Brushes Palette: Brush Palette show the work of Paint Brush, Eraser, Pencil, History Brush.
  • Character Palette: This Palette is use to add text in image of the Photoshop Package.
  • Paragraph Palette: This Palette is use to set up the Paragraph in the Image.

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