Saturday, March 16, 2013

Photoshop Tutorial: Photoshop Shortcuts Keys

photoshop shortcuts

Hello everyone, I hope that are all fine, In today's post I am going to present some shortcut keys of Photoshop. At the time of working with Photoshop these shortcut keys will help you to do the work quickly.

Photoshop Shortcut keys:
1. Ctrl+ A = To select all.                                             16. Alt+ Ctrl + I = File Info.
2. Ctrl+ C = To Copy.                                                 17. Ctrl+ Q = To Exit.
3. Ctrl+ X = To Cut.                                                    18. Shift+ Ctrl+ C = To Copy Merged.
4. Ctrl+ V = To Paste                                                  19. Ctrl+ E = Marge Layer.
5. Ctrl+ Shift+ V = To Paste Into.                                20. Ctrl+ D = Deselect.
6. Ctrl+ N = To Create a new file.                                21. Shift+ Ctrl+ D = Re-select.
7. Ctrl+ S = To Save your file.                                     22. Shift+ Ctrl+ I = Inverse.
8. Alt+ Move tool = To Copy from a Copy.                 23. Ctrl+ F = Last Filter.
9. Ctrl+ Z = To do Undo.                                            24. Ctrl+ + = Zoom In.
10. Ctrl+ Shift+ Z= To do Redo.                                 25. Ctrl+ _ = Zoom Out.
11. Ctrl+ T = To do Free Transform.                           26. Ctrl+ R = Ruler or Rules.
12. Ctrl+ Shift+ F = Color Settings.                             27. Alt+ Ctrl+ D = Feather.
13. Ctrl+ O = To Open a new Image.
14. Ctrl+ Shift+ O = To Browse.
15. Ctrl+ W = To Close.
That's it for today. see you in the next class.
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