Monday, September 9, 2013

Facebook Privacy Policy Going To Be Changed

facebook privacy policyFacebook is the most most discussed and criticized in the social communications sectors. However, privacy policies or personal security question Facebook is already frustrated it's 120 million users. The duel legal battle is running about this matter. A specific allegations against Facebook is freely personal information marketing and advertising strategy-news source BanglaNews.

Facebook has already started working on that. But Facebook has already fall in the trouble with these legal problem. They have to face legal problem even at their own country America. Even Facebook has asked information from various countries. However, Facebook is not showing co-operative attitude.

Currently Facebook is working with two document, One is username and another is profile picture. Because most complain has come against this two information and data. Facebook has been accused of selling these this personal information at a high price. Every Time Facebook has failed to satisfactory answer in this issue. That is why Facebook is going to make a new privacy policy. In this case the users will decide about sharing and providing any of his/her information to media or authority. Here advertising companies are the main media.

Very soon several changes to bring in the rules of  username, profile picture, content, commercial links, sponsorships and brand associated program. This regard Facebook Chief Privacy Officer (Policy) Erin Egan said, Soon Facebook will asked for permission to user to use their personal information in the advertising  to ensure the proper use of their username, profile picture, content. Facebook is changing their current policy to ensure information exchange, marketing and information to the public.

Currently everyone can overview of this social communications site data without becoming a Facebook user. But in this new rules this facilities may not be available. Beside this Facebook store the information like computers, mobile phones, IP address, IP phone number, browser and the product or application that used to use Facebook.

Facebook commentary, using global positioning system Facebook rearranged customer information, geographical location and personal information. facebook collect the same kind of information through Facebook apps. But this for status reasons, not for commercial purposes. Very soon you will enjoy the new Facebook privacy policy.

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