Thursday, March 7, 2013

How To Block Ads On Firefox [Adblock Firefox]

firefox adblock
Todays tips is about blocking unexpected advertisement at your Firefox Browser. We all who use internet everyday visit a lot of website. When we enter any website maximum time we have to face a lot of unexpected advertisement sometimes these ads too irritating, as an example the popular site YouTube when we browse any video we can see a lot of ads appearing there. But if we want we can block these advertisement at our Firefox Browser. You can easily block these ads by following a simple step. The step is given below.

Google Chrome User Go Here How To Block Ads On Google Chrome

Follow the step To Block Ads On Firefox:
  1. At first open your Firefox Browser. (Make sure that you are connected to internet).
  2. Then go here AdBlock Plus
  3. And then click Install for Firefox button

That's it. If AdBlock Plus is correctly installed then you can surf websites without advertisement.

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