Saturday, July 27, 2013

Bibon Virus Rapidly Spreading!

Trojan malwareInternet Security Analysts said  recently in South Asia region a deadly computer virus named Bibon has spread rapidly. Indian computer Experts suggests to keep computer safe from Bibon virus attack. In the Press Trust of India news.

Bibona virus helps malware to access a computer.  This is a terrible Trojan malware community software, which incognito enter into a computer and that gives way to enter into the computer for other malware.

Indian Computer Emergency Response researchers Team said that, the Trojan Win32 / Bibon named virus is spreading rapidly. Before any external devices connected to the computer should be careful.

Before that Microsoft researchers had confirmed the existence of the Bibon virus. According to Microsoft, the bibon computer virus after entering into the computer it invite the other virus to enter. Because it is a supposed virus that is why the anti virus software can not detect it. It is difficult to remove the virus from your computer.

This rapid spreaded virus is spreading via online strange links, even from a USB drive. You can save you'r computer from Bibon virus by disabling Autorun feature and using update anti-virus software and computer security.   

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