Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Tips For Getting Jobs At Outsourcing Marketplace

tips for getting outsourcing jobs
A lot of people are doing outsourcing in the current world and a lot of are joining everyday. Freelancer, Odesk and Elance and many other websites are offering a lot of jobs to the online job seekers. But everyone is not getting jobs easily. It is only because of not applying in the proper way. You can get online job easily by using some simple tips. In todays post I am sharing some tips that will help you to get online jobs.

  • Some people gets jobs after applying for 4 or 5 jobs. On the other hand there are some people who don't get jobs after after applying for more than 100 jobs. Basically this depends on the rate of the jobs that you are applying.
  • Don't apply for the those buyer offered jobs who did not verified their payment method. Because verified payment method ensure the payment in time.
  • Apply for a jobs as early as possible after the job is posted.
  • As much as time you spent on the outsourcing marketplace the possibility of getting jobs will be increased. Try to spent as many time as possible on freelancing site, thus you can answer quickly when any buyer contact you.
  • It is better to apply for a job as per it's required condition. Don't apply if you are not able to fulfill the job condition.
  • If you have done 3-4 jobs in Odesk and if you want to apply for the high rated jobs then look earlier offered jobs of the buyer that you want to apply for. It is better to apply to the jobs if the buyer pays high rate for his earlier offered jobs.

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