Tuesday, February 4, 2014

How to Add Gadgets/JavaScripts in Blogger !

add gadgets in blogger blog
Adding Gadgets and Scripts in blog is a part of additional decoration of the blog. Sometimes Blogger Blog users may needs to add Gadgets and Javascripts in their blog. As many blogger does not have the Web designing and coding knowledge that is why Blogger has builtin option to add gadgets and scripts in the blog. Most of the Blogger blog users may know how to add Gadgets and JavaScripts.

But sill there are some bigginers don't know how to add agdgets and javascripts in their blog. My todays post is for then. In this post I will show How add Gadgets and HTML/ Javascript in blogger blog.
  • Follow the below steps to Add Gadgets In Blog:
  1. At first log in to your Blogger Account and go to Dashboard.
  2. Then click Layout and click Add a Gadget option where you want to add gadgets.
  3. Then choose your necessary Gadgets. Customize if needed and Save the Gadgets.

Features Available In Add a Gadget Option:

add a gadget option

    1. Basic Gadgets: When you click Add a Gadget option you will see the basic gadgets lists. There are 28 gadgets available in the basics gadgets section. Some most popular gadgets name are presented below.
      • Googel Plus, Circle and Badge.
      • Translate.
      • Follow by Email.
      • Popular Posts.
      • Blog's Stats.
      • Pages (If Have)
      • Search Box.
      • Blog Archive.
    2. More Gadgets: Below the basic gadgets option you will get More Gadgets option. Here in this More Gadgets section you will get 870 more gadgets for your blog. You can also add gadget in your blog from here.
    3. Add your Own: You can also add your own gadget from URL. I you have any gadgets of your own and it it is uploaded in a server then just enter the URL of the gadget and add the gadget in your site.

    That's it, Now go to your blog and you will see the added gadgets in your blog.

    • Follow the below steps to Add HTML/ Javascripts In Blog:
    1. At first from Blogger Dashboard click Layout option and click Add a Gadget option.
    2. The from the Gadget list click HTML/ Javascript.
    3. Then Paste your code in the Content Box and Save it.

    Warning: Don't forget about the site loading speed. Because adding too many gadgets in your blog will decrease the loading speed of your blog and as a result your blog visitor may decrease. Because visitor don't like to come back to slow site. There is an important post in this blog about Site Loading Speed.

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