Friday, March 14, 2014

New Gmail Interface - Find out What's New in Gmail!

Gmail is the free electronic mail (E-mail) service provided by Google. This is one of the most used free mail service and day by day users is increasing. It just because Gmail is very easy to use and the option available in Gmail is very user friendly.

Recently Google has launched a new Gmail Interface. Gmail user can use the new Gmail Interface in Standard view. New Gmail Interface is not available in basic HTML view. In new Gmail Interface Google has added some new features and also update some previous option too. In today's post I will discuss about the New Gmail Interface and you will find out what's new in Gmail.

gmail interface

In the new Gmail Interface Google has added an option to select all mails, which allows the users to delete all mails very easily. Earlier Gmail users had to delete mails one by one. In my previous post I had shown How To Delete All Gmail Emails In New Gmail Interface.
  • New Gmail Inbox: Earlier all the emails of a Gmail account was stored in one place just at Inbox. But in the new gmail interface all the emails are stored in different customizable tabs. Because Gmail Inbox tabs you will be able to see what's new in your Gmail at a glance and decide which mails you want to read. Normally there are Four (4) tabs in your Gmail inbox.
    gmail inbox tab
  1. Primary Tab: All the primary emails are shown in this tab. Person to Person messages and conversion don't appears in the other tabs.
  2. Social Tab: All the messages which are comes from social networks, Online dating services, media sharing sites and the other social websites are shown in this tab.
  3. Promotions Tab: All the emails related to deals, offers and other marketing mails are shown in this tab.
  4. Update Tab: All the mails related to Personal, bills, statements, receipt and auto-generated updates including confirmation are shown in this tab. 

  • Instant Attachment View: In the new Gmail interface you can see the emails attachments instantly. Even you can save the attachments directly to your drive.

    Instant Attachment View

  • Take Action Without Opening Email: You can track packages, RSVP for events, review products and more even without opening the emails.

    Action Without Opening Email

  • Hangouts: You can chat with photos, emoji and group video call for free.
  • Free Storage: You will get 15GB free cloud storage with your Gmail account. So, you don't have to think about the storage problem.
  • Custom Theme: Now you can use your custom theme in your Gmail account. Beside that the amount of themes has increased from 35 to infinity.

That's it. I hope that this information will be helpful for better Gmail experience. Don't forget to comment.

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