Friday, June 6, 2014

Working With Photoshop Marquee Tool

Photoshop is the most popular and used designing and photo editing tools. I have written a few post about Photoshop belongs to Photoshop Tutorials label. There are lot of thing left about Photoshop about which I want to share with you.

Photoshop Marquee Tools

One thing I would like to mention that I am not an expert of Photoshop, I am a learner. I will try to write and share tutorial on Photoshop with you to enrich my knowledge on Photoshop. As a result you will also be able to learn Photoshop with me. So, whenever I learn something about Photoshop, I will publish it here.

Photoshop Marquee Tool:

Photoshop Marquee Tool is the first tools of Photoshop belongs to toolbar's left column. Press M key on your keyboard the Marquee tool will be automatically selected on the toolbar. There are four types of marquee tool. Press and hold the left mouse button on Marquee tool then you will see these 4 marquee tools. These 4 marquee tool are follows...

types of Photoshop Marquee Tools
  1. Rectangular Marquee Tool. 
  2. Elliptical Marquee Tool.
  3. Single Row Marquee Tool.
  4. Single Column Marquee Tool.
The details discussion of these Marquee tools are follows.
  • Rectangular Marquee Tool: This is the first tool of the marquee tool. This is use to select an object rectangular. Select the tool from the toolbar and select the rectangular area of an object or image by pressing left mouse button. Release the mouse button after selecting the desired area.
  • Elliptical Marquee Tool: The use of  Elliptical Marquee Tool is as same is the rectangular marquee tool. But this tool use to select an area of the object or image roundly.
  • Single Row Marquee Tool: Basically the use of this tool is very few. You can use this tool to select row area of an object or image.
  • Single Column Marquee Tool: The use of this tool is as same as the Single Row Marquee Tool. This tool select column of an object or image.

Uses of Marquee Tool Option Bar:

When you select marquee tools from the toolbar then you will see that a few options will also appear in the option bar. These options will help you to use marquee tools more efficiently. Look at the below image the options will be like these.

options of Photoshop Marquee Tool
  • New Selection: This is the first option. This option will always be selected, when you start using marquee tool.
  • Add to Selection: If you want to select more area of an object or image together then you can use option. Beside that by selecting this option you can add or increase the selection area which is selected by marquee tool. 
  • Subtract from Selection: This option does the opposite action of the Add to Selection option. Select this option and subtract or reduce the selection area which is selected by marquee tools.
  • Intersect with Selection: The above two options add or subtract the area of a selected area. But by selecting this option if you select an area of the selected area then the new selected area of the old section will remain and the other selected area will be erased.
  • Father: This is an interesting option. You can use this option in Rectangular and Elliptical marquee tool only. You can enter feather value till 50 px. If you use this on Rectangular tool then the more feather value you will enter the more round the selection area will be. But if you use feather on marquee tool then the copy you will make from it, It will little transparent.
  • Style: Here in this option you will get three more options. Generally the option is always in normal mode. By using Fixed accept Ratio and Fixed size option you can create an specific selection. Enter the value in the Width and Height box.

That's it for today. Practice more to use Photoshop more efficiently. If you have any query then don't forget to leave your valuable comment.

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