Wednesday, August 19, 2015

AdSense Achievement Cards - [Interesting!]

Google AdSense Achievement Card
Google AdSense is the one of the most popular online Advertising Mediator. And getting AdSense Approval is one of the ultimate dream of the Blogger and Website owners who want to earn money from internet. Though AdSense Tips and Tricks related posts are the center of the popularity. But today I wont bore you. Because today I'm gonna discuss something different but Interesting about Adsense.

Yesterday when I signed in my AdSense Account I found a little bit change in my account. Actually that change was happened, because there was a new Message section added at the right top corner of the AdSense Account Home Page. This is Called AdSense Achievement Card. I had also got this Card earlier, but I had wrote noting that time. But this time I thought why don't I share this interesting thing with you...?

Google AdSense Account Achievement Card

It is the First Anniversary of the relationship between me and AdSense. I have been blogging on for last three years, but I've been regular with AdSense for last One year. That is why Adsense sends me this 1 year Happy Anniversary! Card. Beside Anniversary there are several other occasion on which AdSense sends Achievement Cards to its users. Lets know something more about this AdSense Achievement Card...

AdSense Achievement Card:

AdSense achievements are a fun way to celebrate important events in your AdSense career. If you see an AdSense Achievement Card on your Home page, it means that you’ve just passed a major milestone in your account’s history. It is the way of wishing Congratulation to users by AdSense. You may get the AdSense Achievement Card in the following situations...

  • Lifetime Ad Impressions (i.e. 100,000 or 1,000,000 impressions etc.)
  • 1,000th Ad impressions on mobile/tablet.
  • The Anniversary of your Account (i.e. 2 Years, 5 Years etc.)

Adsense Impression Message

However a AdSense Achievement Card normally shown on an User's Account for a limited time, after that it disappears automatically. Now you might have question that, Will You Get Anything From AdSense for This Achievement ? 

The Answer is - NO :(

It is just a way to of celebration. Although the AdSense Achievement Card won't give you any extra advantage, but I'm sure when it will be shown on your AdSense Account, you might be impressed as I am.

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