Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Introduction of The Blogger Dashboard

If you are blogging on the Blogger platform then you are already very much familiar with the Blogger Dashboard. But still there are many beginners who don't know about Blogger Dashboard. My today's post is dedicated to them. In this post I am gonna introduce you to the Blogger Dashboard in brief.

Basically Dashboard is the heart of the You can also call it control panel. There are different types of options available in the Blogger Dashboard. The most important things A blogger prepare and published his post from here. The introduction of the options available in Blogger Dashboard with images presented below.
  • Overview: Here you can see the summary of your Blog. Basically here you will find Comment, Pageviews, Post numbers and Followers information.

  • Post: The next option is Post. Click on it and you will find all your Published and Drafted post list.
dashboard 1

  • Pages: Next option is Pages. It is also similar to post option. Here all you Blog's pages is available. You can Edit and Publish them from here.
dashboard 2

  • Comments: Here you find all the comments made by your Blog's visitors. Check them daily and ans them.
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  • Google+: If you have a Google Plus pages associated with your Gmail. Then you can add the Google Plus page in your Blog from here.

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  • Stats: This is one of the most important option of Blogger Dashboard. Here you will find four sub options Overview, Posts, Traffic Sources and Audience. Click them one by one and you will get related information.
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  • Earnings: This the most lucrative option of the Blogger Dashboard. If you have a good volume of traffic then you can monetize your Blog by Adsense from here.
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  • Campaigns: Recently Blogger has added this option in the Dashboard. Using this option you can Advertise your Blog by adsense to Grow your audience.
  • Layout: Using this option you will be able to add gadgets and widgets in your blog. You can also Edit and reshuffle them.
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  • Template: From here you can Add Template in your Blog. You can also Change and Customize the Template of your Blog. Beside that your can Edit the HTML page of your blog.
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  • Settings: Now the last but the most important option of the Blogger Dashboard. From here you can Adjust and make changes of your blog.

 Stay with TecHie-ASiF for more IT related post

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