Sunday, October 20, 2013

World Most 25 Unsecured Password List!

unsecured password list
Recently password management firm Splash data has published world most 25 unsecured password. From that list they had mentioned Three most unsecured passwords These are - Password, 123456, 12345678. Beside that Splash data mentioned these passwords are very risky password. They alsosaid that these passwords are very risky because Hackers can easily Break them. I have collected the password list and In this post I am presenting the list for my visitors.

Though creating strong and new password is not very hard, maximum users use easy word as the password. Splash data password management firm is discouraging the users to use such risky password. How the new password can be stronger, a brief hints has given by the CEO of Splash data. He said that to create a password strong brief and small word can be use, example: in the sentence (dog eats bones) dashes, hyphens can be added,( dog^eats^bones! ).

25 Unsecured Password List:
1. password 6. monkey 11. iloveyou 16. 123123 21. jesus
2.123456 7. letmein 12. trustno1 17. welcome 22. michael
3.12345678 8. dragon 13. 1234567 18. shadow 23. ninja
4. abc123 9. 111111 14. sunshine 19. ashley 24. mustang
5. qwerty 10. baseball 15. master 20. football  25. password1

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