Wednesday, December 18, 2013

How to Make Website Faster (Google Page Speed)

test website speed
Page Speed or website loading is one of the most important key of on page optimization. Normally the visitors avoid such website which take too long time to load. Because no one want spend his data, just only for loading the website. So, I can say fast and and optimized pages lead to higher visitor engagement, retention, and conversions. In this post I'm gonna introduce an excellent tool by which you will easily be able to find out why your website loading speed is slow and how you can make website faster.

In many surveys it if found that normally visitor ignore that site which takes more than 3 seconds to load. Although the page loading basically depends on the speed of the internet connection. Basically the excessive use of JavaScript, Flash, Images and other unnecessary stuff can decrease a site's loading speed in even in a fast internet connection. So, if your site's loading speed is slow then you should fix it as quick as possible. But before that you need to find out actually for what your site's loading speed is slow.

There are many sites available on internet by which you can analyze the loading speed of your site. But where there is an excellent product from Google, then you should depend on others. Yeas I am talking about Page Speed Insights of Google Developer. By analyzing your site by this site you will be able to make your web pages fast on all devices. So, without much a do, let's see how you can use this PageSpeed Insights to make you website faster.

Analyzing a Site by Page Speed:
Note: You can also analyze any page or post loading speed by it's URL.
test my website speed

Now within a few seconds you will get the result of your site's loading speed. It will show the result for both of the Mobile and Desktop version of your site. Beside loading speed it will also show a Suggestions Summary including some point to fix. By fixing these point you will be able to make your website more faster. The Suggestions Summary mostly includes following points.
  • Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS.
  • Optimize images.
  • Minify JavaScript, CSS and HTML
  • Enable compression

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