Saturday, January 4, 2014

How to Check Mobile Phone Quality by IMEI - *#06#

cell phone imei
Undoubtedly Mobile Phone or Cell Phone is one of the most popular and used electronics device throughout the world. Nowadays it is impossible to think our daily life without mobile phone. Even a few years back Mobile phone was not much affordable, but now this device is such affordable that people of any classes can easily afford a personal mobile phone. Even many users using more than one phones. But beside the price, the quality of mobile phone's is also getting low.

That is why now it is very hard to know whether the quality of the phone is good or not that you're buying or using. But you can easily check the phone's quality by it's IMEI number. Let's know something more about IMEI number and how to check phone's quality by its IMEI number..

Earlier mobile phone sets are manufactured only a few location of the world like USA, Finland and Brazil. But letter on to meet the demand and as well as to reduce the price, manufacturers started to produce mobile in different places of the world. But the quality of the Mobile produced in the different places are not same. Normally the maid in location of a set is available, inside the phone's set. But the IMEI number is the best way to find out manufacturing location of a phone set. Because IMEI number include the country code in where it is manufactured.

IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity. Every mobile phone set has its own unique IMEI number. IMEI number is a 15 digit numbers, normally it is available on the packaging box of the mobile phone set or . Beside this IMEI number stays in a sticker under the mobile phone battery.

mobile imei check

If you lost your mobile phone box or the IMEI on the sticker is not clear enough the you can get it by typing *#60# on your mobile phone. Once you have pressed this code then immediately a 15 digits IMEI number will appear on your mobile phone screen. The IMEI number will be like the below one...

3 5 2 0 4 5 0 1 0 2 0 0 5 6 9

Here in the above IMEI number the 7th and 8th are colored with Red. These two digits will tell you the Quality of your mobile phone set.

  • If the 7th and 8th digits are 00 then it indicates that your mobile phone set is manufactured in Original Factory and it also ensure the Best Quality.
  • If the 7th and 8th digits are 01 or 10 then it indicates that your mobile phone set is manufactured in Finland and it also ensure that your mobile phone Quality is High.
  • If the 7th and 8th digits are 13 then it indicates that your mobile phone set manufactured in Azerbaijan. Mobile phone quality manufactured in Azerbaijan is Very Bad and these is Dangerous for Health.
  • If the 7th and 8th digits are 02 or 20 then it indicates that your mobile phone set is manufactured in Emirates that means the quality of that phone set is Very Poor.
  • If the 7th and 8th digits are 03 or 30 and 04 or 40 then it indicates that your mobile phone set is manufactured in China and the phone set that are Maid in China is Good in quality.
  • If the 7th and 8th digits are 05 or 50 then it indicates that your mobile phone set is manufactured either in Brazil, USA or Finland.
  • If the 7th and 8th digits are 06 or 60 then it indicates that your mobile phone set is manufactured either in Hong Kong, China or Mexico.
  • If the 7th and 8th digits are 08 or 80 then it indicates that your mobile phone set is manufactured in Germany and these phones are very Fair in quality.

All the information presented above are collected from reliable source. So, you can check your Mobile phone's quality with enough confidence. For further quires don't hesitate to leave your valuable comments.

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