Monday, September 8, 2014

Adsense Approval - Finally The Dream Came True!!!

Adsense Approval for
It almost 7 days before I had written the title of this post. I was not getting right word to express my excitement. Yes I am very excited, because recently I have got Adsense approval for my site I was taking such time to prepare this post because I wanted to published a post by which I can inspire the blogger who are working hard on blogging. Getting Adsense approval is not an overnight matter, there is story behind it. Let me tell you my personal Adsense Approval journey.

Actually I can call it a success story. I haven't shared any success story yet. And honestly speaking till getting Adsense approval I didn't have any noticeable success. I was writing and writing without earning a single penny. To be honest sometimes I got disappointed but never left the journey. Still writing regularly. And as I got Adsense Approval, I will publish Adsense Related post continuously letter.

I published my first post on 2/7/2013, and it is more than one year I have been blogging. My first port was about Google Image Search. Earlier I used to copy from the other site's. One day one of the blog owner Abdur Rahaman contact me and told me to stop it, if do so I will never get Adsense Approval. And he also gave me some tips, which helped to improve my writing. Not only that Rahaman Bhai helps me many times letter also. I also recommend you the same, because copy paste doesn't comply with the Adsense Policy.

By this time one day I have read a post about getting Adsense Approval in two hours. Can you believe it! yes the trick was getting Adsense Approval via youtube account. I applied for it and I got approval for youtube account but not for my blog. Again I got disappointed. Letter I got to know that Google stopped allowing adsense for blogger using youtube account. Again I concentrated on the post writing.

Four months ago on 11/o5/2014 I had seated up custom domain in my blogger blog. It was one of most important step for my blog. I keep concentrating on writing posts. By this time my blog had got good numbers of posts and traffics. So, I applied to Google Adsense for my blog. And on Aug 26, 2014 I had got and mail from them saying 'Congratulations! Your Google AdSense application has been approved'. You can see that Adsense is showing ads on this site.

There is a proverb about Adsense that it is "The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs". I hope I will get maximum out of it. However now I will try to publish posts about Adsense continuously whatever I know and what I will learn about it. So, that you can get Adsense approval and make best use of it as well.

It's a long post. Lets come a conclusion. One thing I would like to mention that I am very thankfull to all of my visitors. Because through this journey sometimes I felt bored but one thing always inspired me and kept me up is you. Thank you for being with me and hope always will be.

Stay with for more IT related Post

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