Sunday, September 7, 2014

Remove Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) from Blogger!

remove blogger feed link

If you are blogging on blogger platform them you have seen this line Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) in your blog. Generally this line located at the bottom of your blogger blog. In this line Posts (Atom) contains a link of your blog's RSS feed. If you click on this link then you will see a window will open containing codes.

Now the question is what is the use of this link. Basically using this link visitors can subscribe to the Atom feeds. Though many readers use RSS for their blog feed, But many of you may find this link pretty useless. Beside that it also occupies space at the bottom of the blog. So, if you want to remove Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) from your Blogger blog then this post is dedicated to you. Lets see how to do it...

Removing Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) from Blogger
  • First Log Into your Blogger Account and go to Dashboard.
  • Then click on Template option and click on Edit HTML button. You will land on the HTML page.

    edit blogger template

  • Now find the below line and Delete it.

  • <b:include data='feedLinks' name='feedLinksBody'/>

  • Then click on Save Template button to apply the change.

That's it. Now view your blog and you will see that Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) is removed from your blog.

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