Saturday, December 6, 2014

Easiest Guide to Resize an Image in Photoshop!

How to Resize Image in Photoshop
Resizing an image is one of the most commonly used skills in all of Photoshop. It’s so common, in fact, that even people who have very little knowledge about Photoshop still manage to use it to resize their images. I mean most of you may know how to resize image in Photoshop, but there some beginners who don't know about it. This post is dedicated to them.

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to resize images, as well as a general rule to keep in mind so your resized photos remain crisp and sharp. I’ll be using Photoshop CS 8.0 here but the steps are the same with any recent version of the program. Whatever your Photoshop version is, if you have minimum know about photo editing then you can easily do the task on any version of Photoshop. Let's start the procedure.

  • First run your Photoshop.
  • Then open the Image that you want resize.
  • Then click on Image menu and click Image Size.

    Photoshop Image Menu
  • Then the Image Size dialog box will be prompted, as shown below.

    Photoshop Image Size

If you look closely at the above image then you will notice that the dialog box is divided into two main sections – Pixel Dimensions and Document Size. Since this tutorial is all about how to resize an image, you only need to concern about the top section - Pixel Dimensions, since it’s the one that controls the actual, physical dimensions (in pixels) of the photo. Here Width and Height is important to resize your Image.

  • To change the Image size Change the Width or Height value. If you change the value of any one of these the value of other one will be automatically changed proportionally.

    Change Image Value
You can also resize your image by a percentage of the original image size. If you look to the right of the Width and Height value boxes, you’ll notice that the measurement type is currently set to pixels. Click on Pixels and select Percent from the drop down menu. Then Pixel Dimensions section will display the width and height of your image as a percentage. Resizing the image using a percentage is done the same way as if you were using pixel values. When you’re done, click the OK button and Photoshop will resize the image according to the entered percentage value.
Changing the measurement type

As I said above that if you change Width or Height value the other value will be changed automatically. This is because by default, Photoshop keeps the original aspect ratio of the image intact when you resize it, which is usually what you want. Photoshop lets us know that the width and height values of the image are currently linked together by displaying a linked icon to the right of the values. If you want to change the width and height separately, simply Uncheck the that are checked at the bottom of the Image Size dialog box.
Uncheck Image Properties

That's it now resize your Image width and height separately by changing its value. 

Stay with for more IT related Post

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