Monday, September 16, 2013

How to Save a Web Page? 5 Easy Method

save a webpage
Everyday millions or billions of people use internet and browse Website. There are a lots of websites in World Wide Wave.  Basically we browse or visit website for gathering knowledge, information. But sometimes we have to save or download website content. If the website does not have save or download facility, then what to do? Don't worry in that case you can save the whole web page. You can save the web page in several way. In this post I am gonna show 5 different way by which you can save a web page very easily.

  1. Quick Draw McGraw Method: The fastest way, Alt + Print Screen key to copy and then open an image processor (such as Paint in Windows), Now press Ctrl+V to paste it. You can save the file in any format like JPEG, PNG, BMP.
  2. Content Capture Method: Copy pages all content and press Ctrl + S to open the Save As dialog box. Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome have the default "Web Page, complete" setting or "Web Page, HTML only." save option. Firefox have additional save option 'Text File' and 'All File'. However, "Web Page, complete" will save the file in the HTML format.
  3. Text Only Method: If you want to copy just the text of the page without images and interactive elements then just press Ctrl+A to select and Ctrl+C to copy. Then Open any word processor text editor and click Edit> Paste Special> Unformatted text. If you save file like that it will save the navigation site too. To make the text posting flawless select the text using your mouse pointer.
  4. Print as PDF approach Method: Only Google has the built-in PDF file printing facility. From Windows print-preview page landscape can be done using layout portrait. Some specific region of page can be select and other facility can be found in the Advance option. Which computer has the PDF software installed this option can be found in the Print dialog box at Firefox.
    web page save
    If you are using Internet Explorer 9 you will get two option like click mouse right button and select "Convert to Adobe PDF" or "Append to existing PDF'' to save the page.
  5. Browser Plug-in Method: If you save the page in this method you will to see the file in offline. To see the saved pages in offline you have to sign up Read It Later service. In this service you can save the page from any browser. Right-click anywhere on the page, choose Read This Page Later it will be included in the off-line browsing list. You will have to bring the bookmarklet in the Internet Explorer Favorites toolbar and Chrome bookmark bar.

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