Monday, November 25, 2013

How to Convert 2D Videos into 3D on YouTube!

Convert 2D Videos into 3D
3D or 3rd dimension videos is one of the latest video format which gives the audience the live experience of any scenery that he is watching. That when you see any video in 3D then then video will seems to live. Its really exciting. And this excitement now you can experience on YouTube. Yes on YouTube. Now you can watch 3D videos on YouTube without any extra effort. In this post I'm gonna show how you can convert any 2D videos to 3D on YouTuve.

Recently YouTube has added an excellent feature by which you can easily convert your YouTube videos from 2D to 3D from YouTube control panel. And you can watch it by using 3D glass. This conversion feature is available in YouTube beta version. Normally to make 3D videos you will have to shoot it with two cameras. But in YouTube you will be able to convert any 2D video to 3D by going through a few simple steps.

3D videon in YouTube

When you convert any video to 3D in YouTube the it will look like the above image. Lets see the conversion procedure.

Converting YouTube videos to 3D:
  • First Log into your YouTube account.
  • Then from your YouTube account Upload a 2D video.
  • Then click on Edit info of that video which you want convet into 3D.
  • And finally click on 3D Video to start the conversion. 

Thats it now your 2D video will be converted into 3D video, and you will have to use 3D glass to watch this 3D video.

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