Monday, January 20, 2014

How to Add Facebook Chat Box in Firefox Sidebar!

Undoubtedly Facebook is the most popular social networking site of the current world. And Chat Box is the most popular feature of Facebook. In this post I'm gonna show an interesting and and something different trick related to Facebook Chat-box and Firefox browser. By going through this post you will be able to add Facebook Chat Box to your Firefox Browser's Sidebar, so that you can chat with your Facebook friends directly from the Firefox Sidebar.

The advantages of adding Facebook Chat Box in the Firefox sidebar are - You do not need to open the Facebook homepage to see the list of friends that are online and You can chat with your Facebook friends while surfing the web or visiting any other website on the Firefox browser. Let's follow the below steps to add the Facebook Chat box to Firefox sidebar.

Note: Make sure that you are using the latest version of Firefox. Also make sure that you are logged into your Facebook account.

Adding Facebook Chat Box to Firefox Sidebar:
  • First open the Firefox browser and press Ctrl+B to open Bookmarks in Sidebar.
  • Then click Right Mouse Button on the Bookmark option where you wanna add Chat Box. And choose New Bookmark. Then New Bookmark window will appear.
  • Here in the New Bookmark window type Facebook Chat in the Name box and Paste the following URL in the Location box.
  • Then Mark the Load this bookmark in the Sidebar check box and click Add button.
Firefox Bookmark

That's it the Facebook chat box is added to your Firefox browser. Now when you want to chat on Facebook directly from the Firefox sidebar, just Press Ctrl+B and click Facebook Chat bookmark.

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