Friday, January 17, 2014

Blogger vs WordPress - Let's Choose the Best One!

Blogger or WordPress
Previously I had share a post on difference between Blog and Website. And in this post I'm gonna discuss about the difference between Blogger and WordPress. While start blogging the most common point of confusion is to choose the wright platform of blogging. And as we all know that the Blogger and WordPress are the most popular blogging platform that is why mostly indecision between these. To differentiate Blogger and WordPress you will have to consider some specific points. Have a look at the following points.

  • Operating Point of view.
  • Professional Aspect.
  • Popularity Point of view.
  • Superiority Point of view.
  • Future Prospects.

In this post I will try to find out the difference between Blogger and WordPress on above point, So that you can easily decide between them...

Operating Point of View:

From the operation point of view Blogger is much easier to operate than WordPress. A person having very little knowledge can easily operate blogger dashboard. On the other hand WordPress has more features than Blogger, which made this platform little complected. The interface of WordPress is somewhat confusing, but the Blogger platform has nice and updated interface. So, you can easily rearrange the layout of you site here.

You will have to exercise WordPress for a few months to have a good operating control, On the other hand in Blogger platform a few weeks is enough.

  •  So here Blogger platform wins.  

Professional Aspect:

From the professional point of views WordPress is better choice than Blogger. But it does not means that Blogger is unprofessional platform. World best and most popular blogs are created on WordPress. As WordPress has lots of templates, plugins, and gadgets available throughout the web, It is the professionals’ first choice.

WordPress is more mature platform than Blogger. Though Blogger platform is improving and updating day by day, but still it doesn't have much support as WordPress.

  • So here WordPress platform wins.

From Popularity Point:

From the popularity point of view it is very difficult to take any conclusive decision. As I said above that most of the popular and reputed blogs are created on WordPress platform. But most of the new bogs are powered by Blogger. Because Blogger platform was very back dated earlier. But within the last couple of years Blogger platform has updated significantly. And as a result Blogger platform is much easier and better now.

  • So WordPress is popular among the Experts and Blogger is popular among the Beginners.

From Superiority Point:

From this point of view here I'm presenting some strength point of Blogger and WordPress. Have a look..
Blogger Strength Point
WordPress Strength Point
  • Being a Powered by Google, Blogger will definitely have positive impacts in search results
  • WordPress has strong support communities.
  • Simple user interface made it easier to control.
  • More SEO Friendly than Blogger.
  • Easy Customization and Continuous improvements.
  • Lots of WordPress tutorials available across the web.
  • Easier Adsense Approbation.
  • More flexible and Experts’ choice.
  • Full Modification is possible here.
  • Lots of templates, tools and plugins are available.

Future Prospects:

As the future is always uncertain. So, nothing can be said specifically. But we can make an assumption about the future prosperity on the basis of present initiative. Let's find out which one will have the prosperous future...

WordPress is already a strong and very popular blogging platform, that is why the world best bloggers and developers are using this platform. Beside that most beautiful and public blogging platform are hosted by WordPress. So, I can say WordPress is clearly ahead here. And it will lead the blogging world at least for the next 5 years.

On the other hand Blogger is newer blogging platform then WordPress. The significant changes and improvement is going on after this blogging platform was purchased by the Search engine giant Google in 2003. But the noticeable changes and improvements have brought in the last couple of years. The following improvements has made Blogger very competitive...

  • Excellent and Easy Dashboard or Control Panel.
  • Good numbers of Templates with full customization feature.
  • Increasing numbers of necessary gadgets and widgets.
  • Full and Specific traffics statistics.
  • Fully integrated with AdSense.
  • Built in Google+ Comment and Page.
  • And easy to control and customize Settings option.

So, you can easily guess that Google is trying to make the Blogger more easier and more popular. And my gut-feeling says that Blogger will create real threat to WordPress in future. And definitely you will notice more improvements on Blogger within next couple of years.

  • So, here my personal choice is Blogger.

My Personal Decision:

I have been blogging on for last two years. And this blog is created on Blogger platform. And I'm very much satisfied with Blogger platform. New features and update is coming and I'm testing them on my blog. But the most important reason for what I have chosen Blogger platform - It is powered by Google. The another point is AdSense. As both the Blogger and AdSense is a part of Google. So, getting AdSense approval for Blogger is much easier.

Final Deciding Point:

I have tried to discuss about the Blogger and WordPress from every possible angle. I hope now your confusion is much clear about these two. So, it is your turn to decide on which platform you should start blogging. Before choosing any platform consider which platform you like most and which platform is suitable for you. However at the end the final choice and decision is yours.

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