Friday, January 10, 2014

Official Popular Post Widget for Blogger!!

Popular posts is one of the most popular and used blog widgets. Actually I should say one of the most effective blog widget. Because this widget generate a good numbers of page views. While visiting your site visitor don't want to miss the popular posts of your site. So, it is very important that a site always should have a popular pots widgets on it. And in this post I 'm gonna show how your can add the official Popular Post widget to Blogger.

The popular post widget will be as shown in the image below.
blogger widget

Earlier I had shared several popular post widgets with different design and style. But where there is an official popular post widgets available for Blogger then why should your try the others. If your are blogger on blogger platform then you can easily add the popular post widget to your blog. All you need is just to add the widget from the gadgets list. Most of you may already know the procedure but there are some beginners who don't know how to add it. Mainly this post is dedicated to them. Let's see the procedure.

Add Popular Post Widget in Blog:
  • First Sign into your Blogger Account and go to Dashboard.
  • Then click on the Layout option.
  • Then here click on the Add a Gadget link where you wanna place the widget
  • Now from the Gadget list find Popular Posts and click on it.
blogger popular post gadget
  • Then in the Configure Popular Posts box enter a Suitable Title and configure the following points...
  • Most Viewed: Here you will get three options. Select any one option as you want.
  • Show: Normally on the widget only the post title will be show. If you want then you can show the Image Thumbnail or Snippet or both of them with the Post title. Choose these options as how you want to show the Popular post widget. Here the final option is for how many posts you want to show on the widget. You can show maximum 10 posts.
 configure blogger popular post
  • Finally click on the Save button to complete the process.

That's it, Now view your blog and you will see the widget is showing the popular posts of your blog.

Stay with for more IT related post

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