Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Total Post and Comment Widgets for Blogger!

Hello Bloggers! Today I'm gonna share a simple widget with your. This widget will show the Total Posts and Comments of your. Earlier I had share several widgets for blogger, but this widget is something different. Because normally we add widgets to show ads or gadgets, but this widget will help you to promotion your site on your own site. As this widget shows the Total Posts and Comments. So, the visitors will easily be able to understand the richness of your site in-terms of the Posts and Comments.

Have look at the image below. It shows how this widget will show the Total Posts and Comments.
post widget

If you are blogging on blogger platform then you can easily add this widget in your blog. All you need is just to add an HTML/ JavaScript Gadget in your site. But before that the placement of this widget is very important. So, place this widget in such place that you you can get maximum out of it. You can place it at sidebar or bottom of your site. Or if you're using Flag counter or Map counter then you can place it just before that counter. Let's see how to add this widget to Blogger.

Add Total Post and Comment Widget:
  • First Sign in to your Blogger Account and go to Dashboard.
  • Then go to the Layout option.
  • Then here click on Add a Gadget link in where you want to place the widget.
  • Then from the gadget list choose HTML/ JavaScript.
  • Now Paste the following code inside the Content Box.
 <script>function mbhTotalCount(json) {document.write(parseInt(json.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t,10));}</script><div style="font: 15px Georgia;">  
 Total Posts: <script src="http://www.ittimesbd.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=mbhTotalCount"></script></div>  
 <div style="font: 15px Georgia;">  
 Total Comments: <script src="http://www.ittimesbd.com/feeds/comments/default?alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=mbhTotalCount"></script></div>  
Customization: In the code Replace both www.ittimesbd.com with your site URL .
  • Finally click on Save button to complete the process.

That's it, Now view your blog and you will see that the widget is showing the total Posts and Comments of your blog

Stay with www.iTTimesbd.com for more IT related Post

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