Monday, January 6, 2014

How to Disable Captcha Verification in Blogger Comment!

how to bypass captcha verification
Captcha Verification is one of the most effective verification process by which it can easily be identified that a comment maker is human or not. It is an excellent tools to protect a site from spam comment. Though this is very useful option, but it is very irritating for the real users. And this option also discourage the visitors to make comment. Which can decrease the engagement of the visitors with a site. So, if possible then you should avoid the Captcha Code verification system. And in this post I'm gonna show how you can disable captcha verification for Blogger comments.

By default in Blogger platform, word or captcha verification is enabled for the comment section. So, the visitors always have to face a captcha code verification challenge while commenting on blogger blogs. But the problem is, it is not only irritating but also sometimes it is very hard to guess the captcha word or code. at look at the  image below. Generally a visitor has to pass the such captcha verification process. Though normally it does not show hard challenge, but sometimes it show very hard challenge too. And it will definitely decrease the comment maker interest.

captcha solving

If you're blogging on Blogger platform then you avoid the Captcha verification option in your blog without any hesitation. Because Blogger has several built-in measures for dealing with comment spam and other associated dastardly behavior. And it has also automatic spam checking tool which can easily identify the spam comments. So, why should you irritate your visitors with captcha code or word. Let's see how to disable captcha verification in Blogger.

To Disable Captcha Verification in Blogger:
  • First Sign into your Blogger Account and go to Dashboard.
  • Then go to the Settings option.
  • Then click on the Post and Comments option and move to Comments section.
  • Then in the Show Word Verification? choose No from the drop down.
  • Now click on the Save Settings button to apply the change.

blogger captcha verification

From now the captcha code or word verification option will no longer be available in the Blogger comment section. 

But when you will disable the captcha verification option, it will make Blogger spam filtering option little weaker. And as a result you will start to get too many anonymous comment, which inspire the spammer very much. So, to avoid this problem you should allow only the registered users to make comment on your blog. To do so follow the steps below...

To Avoid Anonymous Comment in Blogger:
  • Again go to the Settings option.
  • Then click on the Post and Comments option 
  • Then in the Who can comment? choose Registered Users option.
  • Finally click on Save Settings button to apply the change.

blogger comments

That's it, these two tricks will inspire the visitor to make comment and also protect you blog from spam comments.

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