Saturday, January 25, 2014

How to Add Custom Favicon to Blogger (Exclusive!)

If you are regular blogger or web surfer then you might noticed that every website has an icon which is shown in the browser's tab. Normally you can see the icon at the left of the title of the page. This is known as Favicon. If you are Blogging on then by default the Blogger icon will be your Blog's Favicon. But don't worry this Favicon is very much customizable, and you can add Favicon to your blog of your own choice. In this post I'm gonna show how to add or change Favicon in Blogger.

Website Favicon

Have a look at the above image, here the left icon that I marked is Blogger Favicon and the right one is the Favicon of But the question is why you should use custom Favicon on your Blog? the best Answer is - Having your own Favicon with a nice graphical reminder of your site is a good way to get visitors attention. And user can easily add Favicon to their blog from the Layout option. Let's see the complete procedure.

Requirement: First of all you need to have a Favicon image, which you're going to add. If you don't have then create one, but make sure that the Favicon should be less than 100 KB and also should be Squire size.

  • Now Sign into your Blogger Account and go to Dashboard.
  • Then click on Layout option.
  • Now click on Edit link of Favicon gadget. Then Configure Favicon window will open.
  • Then on the Configure Favicon window click Browse and Select the Favicon image from your PC.
  • Once the Favicon is uploaded click on Save button.
Blogger Layout

That's it. But the Favicon will not appear immediately, It may takes a few days to show your Blog's new Favicon on your Browser tab.

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