Monday, January 27, 2014

How to Submit and Claim Your Site on Alexa!

alexa ranking
Every blog or website owner always want to get top page rank. There are several systems available through out the web to measure website ranking. The most popular ranking system is Google Page Rank. In Google Page-rank sites are ranked in 0 to 10. Nowadays Alexa is very much popular for page ranking. Actually now it is very important to add sites to Alexa as because it is a part of SEO. In this post I'm gonna show how you can Add and Claim your site on Alexa.

In case of Google Page-rank it not mandatory to add your site to Google. Generally Google add all page URL to its search engine and rank them. But in case of Alexa you need to add your site to Alexa to know the Alexa ranking of your site. Unless Alexa will not show any rank for your site. And it is very easy to submit a site to Alexa. Let's see the procedure...

Submitting and Claiming  Site on Alexa:
  • Now click on this link to Claim Your Site. Make sure that you are Signed in.
  • Then enter your site's homepage URL (ie. and click Continue.

Now you will get three methods to verify the ownership of your site on Alexa. You can choose any one of the methods which is suitable for you most. But if your are blogging on then I will recommend you to use the Option-2. Click on Option-2 and follow the steps below to verify your blog.

Option 2: For User.
  • First sign into your Blogger Account and go to Dashboard.
  • Then click on Template and then click Edit HTML.
  • Now in the HTML page Paste the meta tag verification ID anywhere inside the <head> section. As shown in the image below.
  • Then click on Save Template button.
Add Verify ID
  • Finally from Alexa site click on Verify my ID button.

That's it. Now your site will be added to Alexa and you will get continuous Alexa ranking of your site.

Stay with for more IT related post

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