Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How To Make Photo More Beautiful in Photoshop

Photoshop is one of the most popular photo editing software. It is used personally and commercially worldwide. By photoshop you can edit almost every kind of photo and images. Most of the photo studio use Photoshop for making your photo more beautiful. In this post I will show how Photo Studios make your photo more beautiful.

photo edit

If you know how to use photoshop then you can edit your photo by yourself. You can join a photoshop course or learn it from the tutorial available on internet. I have also published a few post About Photoshop Tutorial.

Related Post: Photoshop Tutorials

 Making Photo More Beautiful:
  • First Run the Photoshop software and Open a Photo. (File>>Open and choose your Photo)
    opening photo in photoshop
  • Then in the Layer palette click Right mouse button on Background layer and Select Duplicate Layer and then click OK.
    duplicate layer
  • Then Select Background Copy layer and Select Overlay in blending option.
    overlay mode
  • Then again select Background Copy layer and go to Filter than Other and click High Pass. Here in High Pass window type 20.5 Radius box and click OK.
    high pass on photo
  • Then by selecting the same layer Press CTRL+I to invert the layer.Then it will be look like the below photo.
    invert layer
  • Then reduce the Opacity level and click Add Layer Mask option from the bottom of the layer palette.
    mask option
  • Then select Brush Tool from the toolbar and Brush on Eyebrow, Eyes, Lips and Hair. As a result these places will be much clear. Don't brush on face.
    brash tool
  • The final Photo will be like below. Now you compare the both photo and you will find that edited photo is much better.
    final photo
That's it for today. I hope that now you can make your photo more beautiful by yourself. Please you share your valuable comment.

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