Wednesday, October 8, 2014

How to Disable Comment for Specific Post & Page

Comment is the most successful way to interact with the blog or website visitors. Through the comment option visitors can easily share their views with the Blog/Website admin and as well as with the other visitors. It is the best way to analyze the engagement of readers. So, Blogger always welcome comment on their posts. But sometimes you may need to disable comment for your blog's posts. Reasons and Procedure is explained below. In this post I'm gonna show how to disable comment option for an specific post.

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Though comment is very important for blog/website. But sometimes it may happened that you have got a lots of comment for one of your Post. In such case the better idea is you should disable comment option for that post. Because a post contains a huge numbers of comment will take too much time too load. Beside that on some posts you may don't want to allow visitors to comment. On the other hand pages like about us, contact us, privacy policy and sitemap pages don’t need comments. So, you should disable comment option for these pages.

By default on platform comment option is enabled both for posts and pages. There are two options available on Blogger by which you can disable comment on your blog. One is Blog Settings and other one is Post/Page settings. But when you want to disable comment option for an specific post or page then you should not use the Blog Settings. Because if you disable comment option using Blog Settings then the comment option will be disabled for the whole blog. So, you should use Post/Page settings. Let's see the procedure...

Disabling Comment for Specific Post/Page:

  • First Sign into your Blogger Account and go to Dashboard.
  • Then click on Edit link of the Post/Page that you want to disable comment option.
  • Then at the Right Panel click on Option.
  • Here you will get three options for Reader Comments. By default Allow option is selected. To disable comment there are two options available. These are...
    • Don't allow, Show existing: Further comment will not be allowed but the existing comments will be shown. 
    • Don't allow, Hide existing: Further comment will not existing comments will not be shown as well.

      post comment option
  • Select the suitable option and click Done.

That's it. Now go to that post/page and you will find that the comment option is disabled as you have chosen.

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