Thursday, September 12, 2013

How to Create a Facebook Fan Page!

How To Create A Facebook Fan Page
Facebook Fan Page is a very common way to communicate with public. Because it has a huge source of active users. Almost all major organizations, websites, places or brands have their own Facebook Fan page. As result they can share their views and product with maximum numbers of people. So, it is better to have a Facebook Fan Page for your site to get a good number of visitors.

Facebook allow everyone to create Fan page for free. And creating Facebook Fan page is very easy. Whatever you want to promote on Facebook, it is better idea to create a Facebook Fan Page for that. In this post I am gonna show how to create a Facebook Fan Page...

Note: Before creating Facebook Fan Page, make sure that you're signed in to your Facebook account.

Creating a Facebook Fan Page:

  • 1. First go to this link Create Facebook Page.
    • There are Six types of Facebook Page:
    1. Local Business or Place.
    2. Company, Organization or Institution.
    3. Brand or Product.
    4. Artist, Band or Public Figure.
    5. Entertainment.
    6. Cause or Community.

      Select any of the types which is suitable for you. As an example I am selection Brand or Product.
      Types of Facebook Fan Page
  • Then choose your page category and give it a name. Check the Facebook Pages Terms box and then click Get Started.
    Facebook conditions
  • In the next page you can Upload an Image for your Fan Page. Click on Skip button if you want to upload it latter.
    Upload Image to Facebook Page
  • If you are creating this Fan Page for your website or blog then Enter your site description and URL address. And click on Save info button. Or if you're creating this Fan page for other purpose then enter required information and follow the further steps.
    enter Fan page description.

Now your page is almost ready. Invite your friends to like it. Try to build audience. You will find several options to build audience and to invite friends to like it. Keep posting for the audience and post only necessary contents.

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