Friday, September 13, 2013

How to Remove Blank Space Above Blog Header!

We all use blog to share our views and information and many other things. And Blogger is one of the most popular blogging platform. We want to design or decorate our blogger template as we want. But in default Blogger template you need to fix several thing to get a decent look. One of the most common issue is with blank space above the Blog Header. In the earlier post In had shown How To Off Navbar Of BogSpot.

After turning of the Navbar in your blog , if you have close look at the above of your blog you will see that there is an unnecessary space in place of navigation bar. In todays post I am gonna show how to remove blank space above blog header. Before that make sure that you have already off the navigation bar from your blog. To know more...How to Hide Blogger Navbar Manually

Blank Space Above Blog Header

Without Blank Space Above Blog Header

Warning: Before doing any kind of customization on your site's HTML page, I will recommend you to backup your site Template. To know more about Template backup Read This Post.

Removing blank space above Blogger Header:
  • First Sign into your Blogger account and go to Dashboard.
  • Then click on Template option.
  • Then click on Edit HTML button. You will land on your Blog HTML page
    edit blogger template
  • Then here Find </head> tag and Paste the following code just Above it.
     <style type='text/css'>  
     margin-top: -40px !important;   
  • Finally click on Save Template button to apply the change.

Stay with for more IT related Post

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