Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How to Listen Music on Facebook (Free!)

how to listen songs on facebook
Facebook is the giant in social networking world. Most of us use Facebook as our social networking media. Earlier post I had shown How To Identify Fake Facebook Profile. And today I am gonna discuss about listening music on Facebook.

Facebook has many feature for their user. Facebook music one of them. Facebook music is a new feature of facebook. Most of us not familiar with that. You can listen, share, and search music using Music app on Facebook. Now lets see how to listen music on facebook.

How Does Facebook Music Works:
The main features of this service is whenever you or your friends will listen facebook music partners music it will automatically published on you or your friends timeline. It will show in the news feed, your friends will able to see it and if they want they will be able to listen it.

How can you set Facebook Music:
To activate Facebook music you have to linked Facebook to Music service. Facebook Music services are Spotify,  iHeartRadio, Mog, Rdio,  Earbits, Slacker, Turntable,  Rhapsody and SoundCloud. 
spotify music

At first you determine which services you want to use. Then activate the Facebook application. Now the Music service will be shown in your Facebook as an application.

How To Listen FaceBook Music:
Facebook music option

The music that you have listened will show in your timeline update. Even you can see the music which is listened by your friends using this application. Beside that you can see the most popular songs and new album.
link softify

If you want to see your friends listened music just click the play link. If you have already activated the service then you can listen music using web application and desktop application. If you don't then a popup message will ask for permission to run. Now if you and your friends have activated the service then you have the option too create more link. Beside that you can listen your friends listened music. 

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