Wednesday, December 25, 2013

How to Add Meta Tags in Blogger (Exclusive SEO)

SEO Meta Tags
One of the most important part of a good SEO for website or blog is , the implementation Meta Tags. Meta Tag is a HTML code that used to structured metadata about a website page. The Meta Tags are commonly located at the header section of a blog or website. Search Engine uses this metadata to show content from your blog in their search result. Actually through the Meta Tags search engines come to know about the types of your site and it's content. So, you must add Meta Tags to your blog or website to get a better SEO rank. And in this post I'm gonna show how you can add Meta Tags in Blogger.

A Meta Description Tags has two part one is description part another one is keyword part. Description part describe your site to the search engine and keyword part tells search engine about your site content. The description appears as a fragment i the search result and as a description when sharing on Google+, Facebook and other social site. A proper Meta Tags increase the chance of getting more visitors. However as the posts of this site mostly dedicated to Blogger platform, here I'm leaving a little guide to easily add Meta Tags to blogger only.

Adding Meta Description in Blogger:
  • First Sign into your Blogger Account and go to Dashboard.
  • Then go to Settings and click Search Preference.
  • Then go to Meta Tags > Description section and click on Edit link.
  • Then check the Yes to Enable it.
  • Now in the text box write most suitable description of your site within 150 words.
  • And finally click on Save Changes button to complete the process.
Blogger Meta Description

Adding Meta Description to Individual Post:

As the result of the search description you have enabled in the steps above the search description option will also be enabled for every post of your site. So, you will have to add Meta Description to every individual post. Follow the steps below.
  • First enter into a post or page by clicking Edit link. Or if your in a new post.
  • Then click on the Search Description from Post settings.
  • Now type a search description for your post or paste few important lines from your post.
  • Finally click on Done button.
Post Meta Description

Adding Meta Keyword Tags to Blogger:
  • Then click on Template and then click on Edit HTML button. You will land on the HTML page.
  • Here in the HTML page find the find the below code.
 <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>  
  • Then Paste the following code just below the above code.
 <meta content='Your keyword Here' name='keywords'/>  
  • In the above code Replace Your keywords Here with the keywords best matched with your blog content. Use comma ( , ) to separate them, don't use space and don't use more than 150 words.
  • Finally click on Save Template button.

That's it, Now check your blog with this online tool MetaChecker to ensure that the Meta Tags is correctly placed or not. If everything is OK then your blog would be ready to get good SEO score.

Stay with for more IT related Post

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