Wednesday, August 27, 2014

How to Add Multiple Author in Blogger

If you're a Blogger then sometimes it may happens to you that you are not getting enough time for writing post and that time you may have wanted someone to help you. Or to increase blog's publication you need to add multiple author in your blog. Because an individual can not generate and published lots of ideas and post. If you are blogging on Blogger platform then you can add multiple autor in your blog.

If you are blogging on Blogger platform then you will be glad to know that by default Blogger has an option by which you can add author and admin in your Blog. In this post I'm gonna show you how to add author in blogger blog and how you can manage them.

Add Author in Blogger

Adding Author in Blogger:
  • First Log into your Blogger Account and go to Dashboard.
  • Then click on Settings option and go to Basic > Permissions.
  • Now at the Blog Authors section click on +Add authors link.
  • Then in blank box Enter the Gmail address of the author that you would like to add. 
  • Note: You can also add 2 or more authors at a time by entering of their Gmail address. Separate each Gmail address by comma. You can only invite author by Gmail address.
  • Now click on Invite Authors button.
    Note: Now the invited author will get an confirmation mail. After accepting your invitation, the invited authors will be able to write on your blog.
    invite author in blogger

Managing Blogger Authors:

After adding authors in your blog successfully, now I will show how you will manage them. Every Blog Authors has two status, one is Author and other one is Admin. An author only can create and publish post on your blog. But an Admin will have the full customization and editing access to your blog. In an word he will get the full authority.

Once invited person accept your invitation, then he will be listed as Author by default. Now if you want to change the status of an Author to Admin then go to Settings > Basic > Permissions and change Author to Admin. To remove an Author/Admin from your blog just click on Cross button.
how to add admin blogger

Warning:  Please proceeds with caution! Because an Admin will have as much as power over on your blog as you do, Including the ability to permanently Delete it!

Stay with for more IT related post

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