Friday, August 22, 2014

How to Replace Blogger Comment Box with DISQUS

By default Blogger has a common comment box for their platform users. It located at the below of your published post. As said earlier that blogger is a such blogging platform of which you can customize almost everything. So, you can customize and change blogger comment box too. Today I am gonna show you how to change blogger comments box.
DISQUS Comment Box

You might have noticed that many websites and blogs does not use traditional comment box. To make it little bit attractive many website owner use third party comment box on their sites. There are many site that offer you to use their comment box on your site. Among them my first choice is DISQUS. It is completely free to use. Lets see how to replace Blogger comment box with DISQUS.

DISQUS is Compatible with Almost any Platform:
  • Blogger.
  • Wordpress.
  • Tumblr.
  • Typepad.
  • Drupal and
  • Any other website or blog which supports HTML/JS.

To replace your Blogger comment box with DISQUS comment box, first you need to register an account on DISQUS.
  • Sign Up for Disqus account from here DISQUS Account.
  • An confirmation email will be sent to your Email address. Confirm it.

Replacing Blogger Comment Box With DISQUS:
  • After signing up, Go to the Dashboard.
  • Now you will have to add your site. Enter your Site Name, URL and Short Name and then Continue.
  • Now go to this link
  • Here in this page click on the 1st option.
    DISQUS first option
  • Now a new window will open. Here you will be asked to add an widget to your blog. Click on Add Widget button.
That's it. After successfully adding this widget to your blogger blog, Now your Blogger traditional comment box will be replaced with DISQUS comment box. The rest two options are.
  • The 2nd option is for importing your existing Blogger comment into DISQUS. Click the Tool > Import button and follow the further instruction.
  • The 3rd and last option is for Updating your blogger template's meta tags for full Internet Explorer compatibility. Click the link and follow the instruction.

Stay with for more IT related post

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