Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Add and Verify Site in Yandex Webmaster Tools !!!

Verify Site in Yandex Webmaster Tools
Yandex Search is the largest search engine in Russia. It has more than 60% share in Russian internet traffics. Yandex ranked as the 4th largest search engine worldwide. That means it serves a good numbers of traffic. So, like Google and Bing webmaster Tools it is very necessary to add and submit your site to Yandex Webmaster Tools. In this Post I am gonna show how to add and verify a site in Yandex Tools.

  • Related Posts:
  1. How to Submit Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools!
  2. Add and Verify Site in Bing Webmaster Tools !!!

Primarily Yandex offers searches in Russian, but it also offers Yandex Webmaster Tools account in English to help the site owner submitting their site sites to Yandex Search Engine. But the English version has some limited features. Basically there are two way you can submit your site to Yandex, one is With Registered Account and the other one is Without Registration. But I highly recommend you to have a Registered Yandex Webmaster Tools account to have all the available utilities. Let's see how to add and verify a site in Yandex Webmaster Tools...

Adding Site To Yandex Webmaster Tools:
  • First you have to register from here Yandex Webmaster Tools account. Fill the registration form with required information. You will get an activation code to your given mobile number. Activate your account using this activation code.
  • Then Log in from here Yandex Webmaster Account. (You can Log in to Yandex account using Facebook, Twitter or Google account).
  • After loging to the Yandex account click on Add Site link.
  • Then enter your site homepage URL (i.e http://www.ittimesbd.com) in the URL box and click on Add Site button.
    Adding a Site to Yandex

Verifying Site In Yandex Webmaster Tools:

After adding your site to Yandex Webmaster Tools, the next step is about site verification. Here in this step you will have to verify the ownership of your site to complete the addition. There are four methods available for the verification. But personally I will suggest you to use the Meta Tag method.
  • Now click on Meta Tag option.
  • Then Copy the Meta Tag Code and Paste it in the <head> section of your default web page.

    • For Blogger:
    1. Now open another window and Sign Into your Blogger Account and then go to Dashboard.
    2. Then click on Template option and click Edit HTML button. You will land on the HTML page.
    3. Here in HTML page find <head> tag and Paste the Meta Tag Code just below of it.
    4. Then click on Save Template button to apply it.

  • Then click on Check button to complete the verification process.
    Site Verification in Yandex

Add Sitemap To Yandex Webmaster Tools:

After adding and verifying your site, you will have to add your sitemap to Yandex Webmaster Tools. As a result Yandex Search Engine can crawl your site more efficiently, and you will get better Yandex search rank. If you don't have any any idea about sitemap then read these two post about Importance of Sitemap and Creating Sitemap. Let's see how add sitemap to Yandex Webmaster Tools...
  • First click on Indexing option and then click Sitemap Files.
  • Then enter the Sitemap URL in the sitemap box.
  • Now click on Add button to complete the addition. You can also click Check button to check that the Sitemap is working properly or not.
Submitting Sitemap to Yandex

Then you will see the Processing status for the added Sitemap. It will take maximum two days to complete the successful processing.

That's it. After completing the successful addition of your site to Yandex Webmaster Tools, now you can monitor the performance of your site on Yandex Search and also can improve you site for better Yandex Search Rank.

Stay with www.iTTimebd.com for more IT related Post

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