Saturday, October 25, 2014

How to Add Official Recent Posts Widget to Blogger!

Recent post widget displays the most recent published post of a blog. Actually recent posts widget works as the headlines of your blog. When a visitor visit your blog, he will have a look at the recent posts widget to know whats new on your blog. Earlier I had shared a few Recent Posts Widget for Blogger and today I will show you how to add Blogger official recent post in your blog.

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Blogger has its official feed gadget to add recent post widget. Many blogger may does not know about it. In my earlier shared Recent Posts Widget you will have to use HTML/JavaScript code. But this widget don't need any kinds of code. You will have to use your blog feed URL only. That is why this recent posts widget is very simple and easy to apply. Let's see how to add it...

Adding Blogger Official Recent Posts Widget:
  • First Sign into your Blogger Account and go to Dashboard..
  • Then click on Layout option and click Add a Gadget link, where you want to place the widget.
    Layout option of Blogger
  • Then from the gadgets list select Feed.
  • Then enter your blog URL in the Feed URL box and click Continue button. Your blog will automatically turn into feed URL.
  • Then you will have the preview of the recent posts widget. Here customize the following point as you want...
    • Enter the widget title as you want.
    • Choose how many posts you want to display on this widget.
    • To show posts date, just check the Item dates box.
    • To show author name, just check the Item source/author box.
    • To open the post in a new window, just check the final box.
      configure blogger Feed
  • Finally click on Save button to apply the widget.

That's it. Now view your blog and there you will see the recent posts widget is displaying the recent posts of your blog.

Stay with for more IT related post

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