Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly to Get Higher Rank!

Making Website Mobile Friendly
Very Recently Google has applied a new rules for website in their ranking system. From April 21, 2015 Google Search had started to consider mobile-friendliness of a site as a ranking signal. That means now the sites which is mobile friendly will get higher rank. As result of this new rule the following important changes is brought in the Google Search Result...

  • This change will affect mobile searches in all languages worldwide and will have a significant impact in Google Search results.
  • Users will find it easier to get relevant, high quality search results optimized for their devices.

I a have got to know about this new rule of Google Search Result a few days ago when I was signed in to my AdSense Account. I have got  a notification there saying - Your site's mobile-friendliness is now considered as a Google Search ranking signal. I have tested my site already and www.iTTimesbd.com have passed the Mobile-Friendliness test successfully - Result is below:

Testing Website Mobile Friendliness

Is your site Mobile-Friendly ? If you don't know then check it quickly. Google has an excellent Mobile-Friendly Test tool to check a site's mobile friendliness. This tool shows how Google Search sees your pages. Follow the steps below to check your site's Mobile-Friendliness...

  • Then Enter your site's URL in the box and click Analyze button

That's it within a few seconds you will get your site's Mobile-Friendliness test result. If the result is positive then nothing to worry about. But if the result is negative, then take sufficient steps as quick as possible to make your site Mobile Friendly.

Making a Site Mobile Friendly:

There is nothing that can be said to make a site mobile friendly. It is basically depends on the content management systems (CMS) that you are used to manage your websites or blogs. Webmasters use different website software packages like WordPress, Blogger, Joomla!, Drupal, Tumblr, Google Sites etc. to manage their sites.

As I'm not expert of these website software packages (CMS), that is why I can't suggest you any solution regarding these. And as a Blogger blogging on Blogger.com platform I can only provide solution for Blogger.com platform. But don't worry Google Developer guides on making sites mobile friendly will provide you complete solution. All you need just to select your website software package.

Useful Link to Make Mobile-Friendly Site:

Guide for Blogger.com Platform:

Sites/Blogs created on Blogger.com Platform, making them Mobile-Friendly is much easier. Because here Mobile Templates are privileged with Mobile-Friendliness by default. And there are some Mobile-Friendly templates available here. All you need just to Enable and choose your Mobile Template...

  • Sign Into your Blogger Account and go to Dashboard.
  • Then click on Template option.
  • Then click the Gear icon under Mobile.
  • Now select Yes. Show mobile template on mobile devices.

Mobile Friendly Templates of Blogger 

Choose Mobile Template: Here you can choose templates of you own choice from the different types of templates available here. All of them are Mobile-Friendly. You can also choose Custom, then your desktop template will be adapted for mobile devices. But I will recommend you to avoid the Custom option, because it may not work fine of mobile device.

  • Finally click on Save button to apply the template.

That's it, your site/blog is Mobile-Friendly now. But before come to any conclusion you must take a test of your site's / blog's Mobile-Friendliness Test.

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