Friday, April 12, 2013

How To Make Calculator Using Notepad Tricks!

Make Calculator By Notepad Tricks
Calculator is one of the most useful educative tools. As you all know I always like to share educative contents with you. There are a lot of calculator available on internet for PC. I have also shared a portable calculator named Kalkules - Portable Scientific Calculator Free Download. But in this post I will show you how to make calculator.

Basically we use notepad to make note or writing. But using some code on it we can create some useful little software or element. Earlier I had shown a few Funny Notepad Tricks. Today I am gonna show you  How To Make Calculator Using Notepad trick.

Making Calculator Using Notepad Trick:
  1. Open Notepad ( Press Windows Key+R>>type Notepad and Enter ).
  2. Copy and Paste the following text in the notepad.

  3. @echo off
                   title Batch Calculator by (
                   color 0c
                   echo --------------------------------------
                   echo -Welcome to Batch Calculator by *(Live Technology)!-
                   echo --------------------------------------
                   echo Enter your operand
                   set /p sum=
                   set /a ans=%sum%
                   echo = %ans%
                   echo --------------------------------------------------------------
                   echo Previous Answer: %ans%
                   goto top

  4. Now save the file as Calculator.bat
  5. Then double click on the file to open it and Type 2*2 to see the result.

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