Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Twin Tower Attack Using Funny Notepad Trick

attack twin tower

Hello everyone, I hope that you are fine. Today I am going to share a funny trick on notepad. The trick is about Twin Tower Attack trick by Notepad Trick.

It is very hard to find a person who don't have heard about the attack of World Trade Center or Twin Tower. It had happened on (9/11) and eventually the flight name of the flight was Q33NY. Now you can call this trick a coincidence or something else. Because in this tricks the flight name is used as the code.

But the attack was very shocking because lots of people lost their life. Lets do the Twin Tower Attack trick by notepad.

Attack Twin Tower by Notepad Trick:
  1. Open Notepad. ( Press Windows Key+> type Notepad and Enter ).
  2. Type Q33N in block/ capital letter in the notepad.
  3. Select Font Size 72 and select the Wingdings font.
  4. Now save the file in any name but make sure the extension in .exe.

That's it. Now double click on the created file and see the Twin Tower Attack trick.

 Stay with TecHie-ASiF for more IT related post

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