Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How to Make Money Blogging with Yllix Media!

Moneting a site with YlliX Media
Adsense is the best way to monetize a blog or website undoubtedly. That is why blog or website owners always want to monetize their site by Adsense . But as we all know that getting Adsense approval is not an easy task. It does not means that if you don't have Adsense then you can't earn from your blog or website. Nowadays there are many media started monetizing site beside Adsense. Though they can't be the alternative of Adsense, but they can be a good media of monetizing your site. There is a saying that Something is better then nothing. So, until you get Adsense Approval you can other third party ad media. And in this post I am gonna introduce a reliable one.

The Ad media that I am introducing is Yllix Media. If you are a blog or website owner you can monetize your blog or website with Yllix Media by showing their Ads in your blog or website. It is one of the convincing ad media I have seen after Adsense and it can be a good media for monetizing your site. If you have a site with having a handsome numbers of visitors then you can easily get YlliX Media approval. Let's see how to apply for YlliX Media and also have a look at the banner below.

 YlliX Media Publisher

Monetizing A Site with Yllix:
  • First click Here Yllix Media or click on the banner Above and Register by your Email. Now you will get a confirmation mail. Confirm the mail from your Mail Address.
  • Add Your Site: After registration now you have to add your site here. Now click on the Sites tab and Enter your Blog Title, Home page URL and Choose your site Category. Then click on the Add Site button.
  • Add Tags: Here you will find different types of Ads. Click BANNER Ad tag, From Rating Select Non Adult, Choose your Ad format, Select yes or no from Display Layer Ads. Now click on Get Ad tag button. You will get an Ad Tag. Then place the Ad tag in your site. You can show maximum three (3) Ad in a page.
  • Payment Method: Here in this site you will get Four (4) types of Payment Method. Paypal, Payza, Liberty Reserve and Bank Wire. Choose a Payment Method through which you want to get paid.

That's it, Now Yllix will start to monetize your Blog or website. Go to Ad Manager to monitor the Ad campaign.

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