Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Show Post Title before Blog Title in Search Result (SEO)

search engine optimization techniques
If you're blogging on Blogger platform then you may notice search engines show your Blog Title first instead of Post Title. Certainly this will affect the flow of visitors in your site. Because when someone is searching for a topic he would like to click on the search result that matches his search words. But if your blog title appears first then the visitors may skip your site!

Today I'm gonna discuss about how can you optimize the blog title and post title in search result. And remember, this trick is for blogger only. Before you start, look at the image below:

google search result

What do you see here? A search topic like that- how to block sites on smartphone. In the above image you can see two search result. The 1st search result showing post title first then the blog title.  And 2nd search result show blog title first and post title second. That is why the 1st result is showing first then the 2nd result. So, definitely the visitors will visit the 1st result first. Now let's see how to show post title before blog title in the search result.

Showing Post Title Before Blog Title:
  • First Sign In to your Blogger Account and go to the Dashboard.
  • Now click Template option and then click Edit HTML. You will land on your blog HTML page.
  • Here find the below line (use Ctrl+F to find the code).
  • Now Select the above code and Replace it with the below code.

  • Then Save the Template.

You may not be able to see the effect immediately. Because search engines might require few days to update their databases or crawl your blog. However you can see the effect immediately in your browser's tab. Hope it will boost your site's traffic. And certainly it will be helpful for SEO too.

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