Tuesday, June 10, 2014

How to Create Custom Short URL In Blogger Post

If you are Blogging on Blogger.com platform then you have already nothiced that when you publish a post, normally you don't have to create an URL for the post. An URL is automatically created from the post title. But sometimes the URL may be too large. And sometimes it not possible to create an URL with your full title. As a result it doesn't carry proper meaning. In such case you can create a custom URL for your post.

Create Custom Short URL In Blogger Post

Earlier I was not aware of this important features of blogger and that is why many post of this site is created automatically. Some of the URL is Ok but some of them are incomplete and they doesn't carry the actual meaning of those post. As an example I can present the below link.


The above link's Post Title is: Get Detailed Website Statistics Using Stat My Web

Now you can easily understand that the Post URL does not carry the actual meaning of the post. This URL is incomplete. The URL only shows get detailed website statistics using, And by this line it is not possible to understand what does the post actually contains.

So, it is very important to create a custom URL for every post. If the post URL is customized then it will be more short, relevant and meaningful and the visitors will easily be understood what the post is actually includes.

Look at the above URL again and you will see that there are 3 parts in it. First part is your home URL , Second part is Date of the post and the third part is the post URL. You can customize the last part of the post URL.
  • Home Page URL: http://www.ittimesbd.com/
  • Post Date: 2013/12/
  • Post URL: get-detailed-website-statistics-using.html

Customizing Blogger Post URL:

  • First Sign into your Blogger Account.
  • While creating a new post you will find Post Settings at the right side.
  • Here in the Post Settings click on Links and click on Custom Permalink.
  • Now in the Custom Permalink box type your desired words. Separate every word using Hyphen (-) or Dot (.).
  • At the end click on Done button. [For better idea see the below image]

    option for custom post url
The URL of this post is also customized by using the same method. If you have any query regarding this post then don't forget to leave your valuable.

Stay with www.iTTimesbd.com for more IT related Post

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