Thursday, September 25, 2014

Best Way to Optimize Blogger Comments Option !!!

Blogger comments is a wonderful option to increase the engagement of visitors with your blog. But spam and irrelevant comments can make your blog polluted. That is why you need optimize your blog's comments option. So, that you can protect your blog from spammer. Earlier I had published a post about Captcha Code Verification in Blogger Comments. And today I am presenting some tips by which you can optimize your Blogger blog comment option.

If you are blogging on Blogger platform then this post dedicated to you. By making some adjustment in the Blogger Settings you can make your Blogger Comments option more optimized.

Objectives Of This Post...
  • Making Blogger Commenting Process More Easier.
  • Protection Blogger From Spammers.
  • Increasing Blog's Visitors Engagement.

First you need to Sign Into your Blogger Account and go to Dashboard. Then click on Setting and choose Post and Comments. And you will land on the following interface. Then do the following customization.

Blogger Comments Optimization

  • Comment Location: By this option you can customization the location of your blogger comments box. By default the comments box location is Embedded. That means the comments box location is fixed at the below of the posts. There are another three options available named Full page, Pop up or Hide. But you should use Embedded option, because visitors like embedded comment box.
  • Who Can Comment?: There are four options are available here, Anyone, Registered User, User with Google Accounts and Only members of this blog. The default option is Anyone. Choose the Registered User option. Because Anyone option allows anonymous users to comment on your site. And anonymous comment has no value. So, you should use Registered User option.
  • Comment Moderation: Here you will get three options: Always, Sometimes and Never. You should choose Sometimes or Never. In suggest you not to choose Always. Because when a visitor make any comment on your blog, He/She wants to see his/her comment appearing immediately. And in that case Never option inspire the visitors to make comment most, which increase the visitors engagement.
  • Show Word Verification: By default Word Verification is on for Blogger Comments. But I will suggest you to use NO. If you are interested to know more about this option then read this full post about Word Verification on Blogger Comments.
  • Show Backlinks: Here you will get two options, You can choose either Hide or Show. If you choose Show then a link saying Create a Link to this Post will be shown under the comment box. If any visitor click on this link then he/she will get a link of this current post. Basically this option is less important.
  • Comment Form Message: This option also less important. If you want to give any message or direction to the comments makers then you can write is here. The message and direction will be shown just below the comment box. You can write any advice or rules about comment making regarding your site policy, which will help the visitors to make relevant comment.

Tips for Blogger Comment Management:
  • Most of the comments are made by the site or blog owners. They make comment to create backlink. I suggest you to allow them. Because crating backlinks is healthy for any site.
  • When any visitor create backlink by his/her with irrelevant comment then don't remove the comment immediately. First you should request the comment maker to make the comment relevant with the post, otherwise you should delete/remove the comment.
  • You should check Comment Spam box regularly. To check comment spam first click on Comment then click Spam. If any normal comment is detected as spam than you should choose not spam for this comment. If any suspicious comment is not marked as spam then you can mark these comments as spam.

Extra Tips:
  • Never misbehave with your blog/site visitors. Always try to behave with them with service mentality. Because they are the most valuable wealth of your site. Some visitors may come to your site only for creating backlinks purpose, whatever their objectives are, don't show hostile behavior with him. Inspite of having a lot of site to create backlinks, they pick your site. It shows your credit. Always try to manage and respond your blog's comments in a better way to increase the visitors engagement.

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