Monday, September 1, 2014

How to Add Hex Color Code Generator in Blogger

Hex Color Code Generator widget for blogger
If you have basic HTML/PHP or web designing knowledge then I am very much sure that your are familiar with codes of color. Because normally color codes are used in web designing or coding. And in web designing six digit Hex Color Codes are used. There are many software available by which you can generate hex color code. Photoshop is one of them.

Beside software there are many online Hex Color Code generator available. And if you want you can add Hex Color Code generator in your site. Today I am gonna share a Hex Color Code generator widget for Blogger. If you are blogging on blogger platform then lets see how to add this in your blog...

Adding Hex Color Code Generator in Blogger:
  • First Log Into your Blogger Account and go to Dashboard.
  • Then click on Layout option and click on Add a Gadget link.
  • Then from the Gadgets list choose HTML/Javascript.
  • Now Copy the below code and Paste it in the Content box.

  • <center><object border="0" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E -AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0" height="480" id="obj1" width="480"> <param name="movie" value=""><param name="quality" value="High"><embed src="" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" name="obj1" width="485" height="485" quality="High"></embed></object></center> 

  • Then click on Save button to add the widget.

  • The Height of the widget is 485 and Width is 485. Change the digit in above code height="485" width="485" to change the size of the widget.


After adding this widget in your blog, now view your blog then you will see a widget in your blog like below. Lets know how to use it...

  • First click and Drag you mouse pointer on the HUE bar to select your color palette.
  • Then click on the Brightness/Saturation area and Drag the cursor until you get your desired color. You will see the final color result in the Swatch bar.
  • When complete your color selection then you will find the Hex Color Code is generated in the Hex box. Now simply copy the six digit code i.e #000000.

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