Saturday, September 13, 2014

How to Submit Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools!

Submit Sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools
If your regular blogger and SEO specialist then I am very much sure that your families with Google Webmaster Tools. I don't want to discuss about Google Webmaster Tools in this post. Because I have already published a post discussing details about Google Webmaster Tools. Today I will only show how to submit your site's sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools.

As I said creating sitemap for your site is not important, submitting the sitemap to webmaster tools is more important. If you submit your site's sitemap to webmaster then search engine can crawl your site more efficiently. But before submit your sitemap you need to create sitemap for your site and before that you need to add your site to Google Webmaster Tools. In that case read these below two posts...

After completing above two task, now it is time to submit your site's sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools. If you have read the second post of the above two posts then you have got know that the URL of a sitemap will like below...

You need to make a little change in this sitemap URL. Replace with you site's homepage URL. But you don't need to use the full URL. Let's see how to submit sitemap to webmaster tools...

  • First you have Sign In from here  Google Webmaster Account
  • Then go to Webmaster Dashboard.
  • Then click on the Site Address on which you want to add sitemap.
  • Then on the left panel choose Crawl and click on Sitemaps.
  • Now click on  ADD/TEST SITEMAP  button located at the right top corner.
  • Then a small box will appear. Here in this box Enter the following line and click on Submit Sitemap button.


Extra Tips: If your site has more than pages then use the following line.


That's it. After submitting the sitemap successfully. Now Google search engine boot will shart to crawl and monitor your site more efficiently.

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