Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How to Disable PC USB Port Without Software!

disable usb ports

USB stands for universal serial port. It is standard cable connection of computer. USB port allows electronics device to be connected to via cable to a computer. It is one of the most important and useful feature of computer. Nowadays a computer can not be thought without USB post. Though it is very important feature, somehow it create many problems too.

Most of the computer viruses are spreading via USB post. So, it is very necessary to disable the PC USB port to restrict unwanted access. You can easily turn off your personal computer USB to protect important information and documents from the hackers and unauthorized users. Today I am going to share a little but helpful USB trick. By which you can easily turn off and on your PC USB port as you want. Lets see how to do it...

Turning Off The Computer USB Port:
  1. At first open Run. (Press Windows Key+R)
  2. Now type regedit and press Enter.
  3. Then select System.
  4. And select Current Control Set.
  5. Now select Services.
  6. And then select USB Tor.

Now here you will find Start option. If you want to turn off USB just double click Start option and change 3 with 4, or if you want to turn USB on just change 4 with 3.

That's it now you easily turn off and turn on your computer USB.

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