Monday, December 16, 2013

How to Add Link to Image in Blogger Post (Exclusive!)

How to Add Link to Image
If you are blogging on blogger platform then you may need to insert image to your blog to use them on your post. Actually the images used on post played very important role. Because these images make you post more understandable to the visitors. But not only that, if your want then these images can create more value for you. Because if the images of your blog's posts are well optimized and properly managed then these can be good source of traffic. And adding link to image is one of the effective trick. In this post I'm gonna show how you can add link to your post image in Blogger.

The image optimization trick that I'm gonna show in this post, is applied to Blogger post. And as you know in Blogger there is an option to add link at post editor. Using this link option you can add link not only in the post text but also in the post images. Normally when you insert any image in your post that automatically get an URL, but this is online image URL. But if you place the link of that post to its images in place of the image URL then it will help you to increase the traffics. Because when a visitor click on a image the same post will open again. As result you will get one more pageview from the same visitor. Let's see the procedure.

Also Read: How to Optimize Blogger Images for Better SEO!

 Adding Link to Image in Blogger:
  • First Sign into your Blogger Account and go to Dashboard.
  • Then insert image in your new post or edit any old post.
  • Now click on the image to select it.
  • Then click on the Link button to remove the URL/link that the image already had.
remove image link
  • Then again select the image and click on Link button. As a result the Edit Link windows will be prompted.
  • Here in this windows Paste the link at Web address box that you want to add.
  • Finally click on OK button to complete the addition.
add link to image

That's it, the link has added to your image. Now view that post a click the image on which you have added link to see the result.

Stay with for more IT related post

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