Friday, December 13, 2013

How to Add H1 tags on Blogger Post Title (SEO!)

seo blogger
If you are a website developer or regular blogger than you are very much familiar with HTML code. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. There are several coding language available by which the websites/blogs are developed. Among them HTML is one most used one. The Blogger blogs are developed with HTML. In HTML coding the well formation of the code can help you to get better search engine rank. In this post I am gonna show in Blogger where you should place the H1 HTML tag to get the best result.

Related Post: Show Post Title before Blog Title in Search Result

Importance of H1 Tag in Blog/Websites:
Google, Yahoo and the other best search engine robots always like to crawl well formatted web page first. If a site page is well formatted then search engine show them in the first page in search result. In a HTML web page contents are arranged in <h1>, <h2>, <h3> tags. When a search engine robot comes to crawl a web page it will crawl <h1> tag first, then <h2> and <h3>. That means <h1> tag is the most important tag. And for a website the post title is the most important content. So, you should add <h1> tag to your post title to get the best result.

H1 Tag in Blogger:
Normally in Blogger the <h1> tag added in the Blog's title. And the post title stays in <h3> tag. As a result of such placement of H1 tag, the title of your blog is getting priority to the search engine. But in the search result search engine always show your post title not the blog's title. So, it is most important that the post title should get the priority to the search engine. And to give the most priority to the post title you should add H1 tag to it. The result will be, the search engines will crawl the important content of your site more quickly and easily. Let's see how to add H1 tag to post title in Blogger.

Warning: Before doing any kind of customization on your site's HTML page, I will recommend you to backup your site Template. To know more about Template backup Read This Post.

Adding H1 Tag to Post Title in Blogger:
  • First Sign into your Blogger Account and go to Dashboard.
  • Then click on Template and then click on Edit HTML button. You will land on the HTML page.
  • Here in this HTML page find the following code. (use Ctrl+F to search)
blogger post title tag
  • Now in the above code Replace h3 tags with h1 tag.
  • Then again find the following code, and Replace h1 tags with h2 tag.
blog title tag
  • Then Paste the following CSS code just Above ]]></b:skin>, .post h1 #Blog1 h1, #Blog2 h1 { font-size:1.5em;  
  • Finally click on Save template button to apply the change.

That's it, from now the post title of your site will get more priority to the search engine robot. And it will be indexed much quickly and you will get better search engine rank.

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