Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Customize Blog Design by Blogger Template Designer

Hello blogger, If you are blogging on platfor then you should be familler with the Blogger Template Besigner option. Blogger Template Designer is a built in option of by which a blogger can easily customize their blog template. In this post I am going to discuss about customizing a blogger blog by Blogger Template Designer.

Customizing Blog Design

About Blogger Template Designer:

This is an excellent blogger option that let you to customize everything regarding your blog design. This is very easy to use. Only if you use blogger default templates then you can customize your blog design by Blogger Template Designer. Advantages of Blogger Template Designer are as follows.
  • You don't have to have any coding knowledge.
  • Very easy and User friendly interface.
  • You can easily get back to the earlier design.

Options Available In Template Designer:
  • Templates: Using this option you can change your blog template from available templates.
  • Background: Using this option you can change your blog template's background and it's color.
  • Adjust Widths: Using this option you can change the width of your entire blog and sidebar.
  • Layout: Using this option you can rearrange the layout of your blog.
  • Advance: Using this option you can customize a lot of thing like Font size, style, color, Gadgets, Tabs, Post Footer etc.

Customizing Your Blog Design: 
First you will have to sign in to your blogger account. Then follow the below path to get into the Blogger Template Designer location.

Blogger Dashboard>>> Template>>> Customize. Then you will be land on the following interface.

Customize Blogger Blog Design

I think if you have a minimum blogging experience then you can easily customize your blog design. But I want to write something about it.

  • Templates: There are Seven different types of templates available in this templates section. These are Simple, Dynamic views, Picture Windows, Awesome Inc. Watermark, Ethereal, Travel. You should a template which mostly fit with you blog category.
  • Background: Every blogger templates has a main and background theme. Here in this option you can customize the background theme and color. There are a lot of Background image available here. Use the background image which is related to your blog category.
  • Adjust Widths: Here you can customize the widths of your entire blog and its sidebar. Don't make your blog too wide that exceed 1024×768 resolution screen. I think the the entire blog should to within 1000px to 1100px and the sidebar should be 300px to 325px.
  • Layout: Here in this section you can customize the Body and Footer layout of your blog. There are eight types of body layout and three types of footer layout available. You can determine how many sidebar and where they will be placed and how many footer you will use in your blog. I prefer one sidebar at the right side and two footer.
  • Advance: This is the most important and critical section of the template designer. Using this option you can customize almost everything which will be displayed on your blog body. The most important thing you can customize here Page text and color, Blog title and description, Tab Text, Link color, Post Footer, Gadgets etc.

Tips: Before start editing you must let the preview load completely. Otherwise you will not be able to see the preview of the changes that you are making. After customizing anything you will have to click Apply to Blog button to apply the changes on your blog.

I hope now will be able to customize your blog design by yourself. Still you need to know any thing regarding this topic then don't forget to leave your valuable comment.

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